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San Bernardino Criminal Court Information (Downtown SBJC). Address, Phone Number, Directions, Hours

Address: San Bernardino County Downtown criminal court, also known as San Bernardino Justice Center, is located at 247 W. 3rd Street San Bernardino, CA 92415.

Directions: Directions to San Bernardino Downtown criminal court: From the I-215 freeway in the City of San Bernardino, exit 2nd street. Head East on 2nd street for three blocks to Arrowhead Ave (towards all the big downtown buildings). Make a left at Arrowhead Ave. Free parking is located on the South side of the criminal court building on the corner of 2nd Street and Arrowhead Ave.

Note: Parking is free for San Bernardino County Downtown Superior Court; however, parking is very limited on most days. Therefore, plan to arrive at San Bernardino criminal court early in order to secure free parking. Also, some parking areas are free all day, while other parking areas are for a limited time, such as three-hour parking. The parking areas for San Bernardino Criminal Court are clearly marked.

Phone Numbers: For general information to the San Bernardino County Downtown criminal court, including address, hours, and directions, contact: 909-384-1888.

Hours: The lobby to the San Bernardino Downtown criminal court building opens at 8:00 a.m. The court is open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The Clerk’s office for criminal filings varies depending on Holiday schedules and other court closures.

Criminal Case Search: San Bernardino criminal court case information may be found at San Bernardino Superior Court Case Search

Cities: The Downtown San Bernardino Criminal Court hears misdemeanor and felony criminal cases, including writs of habeas corpus, from arraignment to appeal. The court serves cities surrounding Downtown San Bernardino, including, but not limited to, the following cities and towns: Big Bear, Sugarloaf, Moonridge, San Bernardino, Yucaipa, Redlands, Highland, Grand Terrace, Sky Forest, Crestline, Colton, Devore, Lake Arrowhead, Running Springs, Twin Peaks, and Loma Linda.

More Information: San Bernardino County Downtown criminal court is located in the same building where some types of civil cases and probate cases are also heard. The criminal court section of the building occupies the first five floors of the eleven-story building. The criminal court hears all criminal related matters, including arraignment, bail hearings, preliminary hearings, misdemeanor and felony sentencing, probation violations, restitution hearings, expungements, and more.

Note: The criminal court does not necessarily hear all matters related to a criminal case. For example, in a DUI case, the defendant may be facing DUI criminal charges in the San Bernardino Superior Court, but he or she may also be facing similar and/or different driving license suspension punishments from the DMW court. This is true even if the DUI criminal charges and the DMW license suspension issues stem from the defendant’s one-time DUI.

Dress Code: Per the court’s website, no shorts, tank tops, crop tops or bare feet are permitted in the court.

For more information about San Bernardino County Downtown Criminal Court (San Bernardino Justice Center [SBJC]), or if you are facing criminal charges, contact our criminal defense lawyers today for a free first visit, in-office, consultation.

We serve all Inland Empire cities, including Rialto, Colton, Fontana, San Bernardino, Riverside, Eastvale, Rancho Cucamonga, Redlands, Loma Linda, Victorville, Ontario, Chino, Highland, Yucaipa, and more. Call today!


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