Rialto Criminal Defense Lawyers
Our criminal defense lawyers are 100% dedicated to defending persons accused of committing felony or misdemeanor crimes in Rialto.
Our criminal defense team has successfully handled hundreds of criminal cases in all San Bernardino County cities, including felony and misdemeanor charges arising out of Rialto, California.
We understand that when a person is charged with a crime it can be one of the most stressful and scary experiences of that person’s life. Not only is the criminally accused worried about his or her liberty and the prospect of being incarcerated, but that person is also worried for his or her professional licensing status, family relationships, immigration status, reputation, personal finances, loss of employment, and his or her future.
Our experienced criminal defense team has successfully handled every type of criminal case from speeding tickets to complex murder cases. We have full-time in-house trial attorneys ready to defend your case through trial if necessary.
In addition, our team has experience with successfully defending against scientific based evidence, such as the cause and source of fire (arson cases), touch DNA, hair fiber analysis (sex crimes), DUI breathalyzers and blood test results (DUI), medical and psychological examinations related to child molestation crimes (sex crimes), tire track analysis, blood splatter, cell phone tracking evidence (murder), coerced confessions, psychology of interviewing children for relevant and reliable evidence (child molestation and abuse cases), and more.
Related Concerns: Our criminal defense lawyers work closely with other in-house attorneys to handle all matters related to criminal charges, including family law issues, such as child custody, domestic violence restraining orders, and suspended adoption proceedings; juvenile dependency issues, where child neglect or abuse is alleged against the defendant; immigration issues, where the defendant is not a United States citizen and the criminal charges might have a severe and negative impact on the defendant’s immigration status; administrative proceedings, where the defendant could lose his or her professional or occupational license (or driver’s license) due to a criminal allegation or conviction, and asset forfeiture claims in criminal court.
We have Spanish Speaking lawyers to assist with non-English-Speaking clients and our team is available every day of the week to assist the accused.
In some cases, we can travel to a jail or to the home of the accused, depending on where the accused is located and whether or not the accused is in custody.
Warning: A person suspected of a crime has a right to remain silent and should contact a criminal defense lawyer at the earliest opportunity as anything the accused says or does can be used against him or her in a court of law.
Our Rialto criminal defense lawyers offer free in-office first-time consultations to the accused. Your consultation is with a full-time lawyer who will personally handle your case (not a subcontractor who is only responsible for consultations).
Your privacy is of the highest concern and there is no obligation to retain an attorney after a free consultation.
Our attorneys are ready to answers your questions regarding criminal procedure, your rights and responsibilities (if any), and most importantly, you defense options.
While there is no guarantee as to a particular outcome in a criminal case, we can guarantee that we will do everything possible to find the best possible outcome for you and for your family. Our office is located only minutes from Rialto, CA. Call today!
Rialto Related Legal Resources
DUI Classes (Near Rialto)
Rehab. Alcohol Program Corp
17205 Arrow Boulevard
Fontana, CA. 92335
Substance Abuse Resources
Rialto Addiction Treatment Services
850 E. Foothill Blvd. Rialto, CA 92376
(909) 421-9465
Children & Family Services
851 West Foothill Blvd
Rialto, CA 92376 (909) 421-7711
Law Enforcement Agencies
Rialto Police Department
128 N Willow Ave
Rialto, CA 92376
(909) 820-2550
All Misdemeanor & Felonies (2025)..
Welfare Fraud
Oral Copulation
Assault with a Deadly Weapon
Sexual Battery
Indecent Exposure
Child Endangerment
Revenge Porn
Corporal Injury to Spouse
Receiving Stolen Property
Loitering for Prostitution
Unauthorized Use of Vehicle
Hit and Run
Criminal Threats
False Imprisonent
Domestic Battery
Statutory Rape
Evading Police
Annoy or Molest a Child
Lewd and Lascivious Acts